Welcome to Write On My Soul!!
Here I'll be posting some of my fan fics!
Most of my fics involve Aaron Carter AND BSB. I try to come up with different plots, but sometimes(well, most of the
time) I relate the main female character(did I mention theres always one of those?) to me, well, part of my personality, so
sometimes it seems like they're all the same girl. I really try not to let them be too similar, please let me
know what you think!
ALL of my fics are *unfinished*, but I will be sure and update them as I go along!
Please, do me a favor, read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
My Email address is CamoStar13@yahoo.com , please let me know what you think of my fics, or if you have any ideas you'd like to share!
Updates have been moved to their own page, its on the Navigation Bar.
